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Porfi Paintballer :) 3. Bundesliga <3

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12.08.2009, 12:47

Ksro bekommt islam

Zitat von Google_Translator
내가 뒤흔드는 세상, 실크로드 온라인 입니다. I spread the world, the Silk Road Online.

캐릭터의 레벨 제한 재조정을 비롯하여 그에 수반되는 새로운 컨텐츠 들로 무장한 대규모 수직 업데이트 Limited level of rescheduling, including the characters accompanying him, armed with new content and update a large vertical
[Legend IX ] 이 오는 2009년 9월 에 서비스를 앞두고 있습니다. [Legend IX] at September 2009 are ahead of the service.

안정된 서비스 제공을 위해 대규모 업데이트가 가시권에 들어오는 8월에는개선/개발을 최소화하므로 Large to provide reliable service to update the incoming 8 gasigwon woleneungaeseon / minimize the development, so
이 기간 동안 여러분께서 혹여 실망하지 않으시도록 최초로 업데이트에 대한 내용과 함께 비공개 스크린샷 During this period, you do not want to disappoint sidorok hokyeo For the first time, along with updated private Screenshot
공개합니다. To the public.

레벨 제한 해제 Level off limits
모든 종족의 레벨 제한이 105LV 로 상향 조정 됩니다. All races will be adjusted upward to the level of restrictions 105LV.
이에 맞춰 유럽과 중국 캐릭터의 최대 스킬 마스터리 레벨 제한이 각각 조정됩니다. Europe and China, the time limit of characters and a maximum skill level is adjusted maseuteori.
중국 종족에게는 마스터리 레벨 제한 수치가 변경되는 최초의 업데이트 가 됩니다. Levels are limited to species level maseuteori China's first update is to change.

신규 컨텐츠 I New content, I
100Lv 이상 캐릭터를 위한 새로운 마을 “알렉산드리아”와 사냥 필드 “폭풍과 구름의 사막 “ 이 추가됩니다. 100Lv or more characters, a new town "Alexandria," and the hunting field, "the storm clouds and the desert" is added.
고대 신화 속 세계관을 추구하는 만큼 실크로드 곳곳에 세계 문화가 살아 숨쉬고 있음을 다시금 확인 할 수 The ancient Silk Road as a mythological world to seek to survive in culture throughout the world to check again
있는 방대한 스케일 을 자랑합니다. Boasts a vast scale.

신규 컨텐츠 II New content II
고 차수 스킬 및 장비 아이템 이 추가됩니다. Skills and equipment items will be added to the order.
새롭게 추가되는 고 차수 아이템 서비스를 통해 기존과는 180˚ 다른 아이템의 가치 보존과 활용도를 높인 Add a new item through the Service are the order of the 180 ˚ existing conservation and utilization, increase the value of other items
새로운 아이템 체계 를 갖게 됩니다. System will have new items.

신규 컨텐츠 III III New Content
필드형 인스턴트 던전 “파라오의 무덤” Instant Dungeon pildeuhyeong "Pharaoh's tomb"
실크로드 최초로 직업간 경쟁 구도 를 이루며 몬스터 사냥만을 추구하는 기존의 사냥 패턴에서 벗어나 Silk Road to the first competition jikeopgan yirumyeo only to pursue the hunt monster hunting patterns from existing
경쟁과 대립에 합당한 보상 체계 등 다양한 컨텐츠를 아우르는 새로운 구조의 필드 를 지향합니다. Competition and conflict, including the reasonable compensation systems across a variety of content-oriented fields of the new structure.

신규 컨텐츠 IV IV New Content
연금술 시스템이 전면 리뉴얼 되어 기존 연금술의 문제점 보완을 통해 사실상 새로운 컨텐츠로 거듭나게 Tailoring the system to be renewed over the problems of the existing Alchemy to complement virtually reborn as a new content

다음 글이 없습니다. The following are not posted.
8/12 서버 정기 점검 완료 8 / 12 servers complete regular checks

회사소개 이용약관 개인정보취급방침/청소년보호정책

Copyright © JOYMAX.CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

상호 : ㈜조이맥스 대표 : 전찬웅 주소 : 서울 송파구 가락본동 78번지 IT벤쳐타워 서관 11층

고객센터 전화 : 02-2142-3195 FAX : 02-2142-3194 사업자등록번호 : 214-86-15315 통신판매업 신고번호 제 송파-727호

Texto original en coreano:
* 대규모 수직


12.08.2009, 12:54

will auch will auch will auch will auch ;( ich hoffe nur das kommt bei uns ziemlich schnell^^


12.08.2009, 13:04

hmm noch ein uptade?Weiß ja nicht was das bringen soll wahrscheinlich sind die noch mehr overpowerd als die euros


12.08.2009, 14:15

War der Thread nötig?
Erstens hättest du es in den andren Thread mit reinposten können wo schon über das 105 update geredet wird und zweitens, wenn dus schon aus rauskopierst, hättest du schon mal den Thread dort lesen können und hättest gemerkt das in dem Update kein einziges Wort von Islam als neue Rasse steht, anstatt einfach den Threadtitel zu übernehmen...
Server: swsro2
Gilde: SoulSociety
Character: Sonea
LvL: 6x
Build: pure INT Nuker

WTB D8 sos sword! pm here or ingame, thx


12.08.2009, 14:23

Nötig? Hier hat man's Hand auf Hand!

Danke Sk0r, mal gucken was das Ganze wird :>


I~ Green Fairy ~I

Beiträge: 1 822

Beruf: Fachlagerist

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12.08.2009, 14:25

denk schon das das islam ist. schade das ich bei ksro ned reinkomm, bekomme da einfach keinen start button :(

aber vielleicht ist es auch einfach nur ne neue stadt so wie hotan. schaut auf jeden fall mal sehr sehr geil aus :)


12.08.2009, 14:26

Da MUSS 'ne neue Rasse kommen ^^

wenn man z.B. SRO installiert, sieht man beim Installieren halt die unterschiedlichen Bilder, auf welchen neue Chars drauf sind, das MUSS der Islam sein :<


12.08.2009, 16:15

die bilder von den islams bei der installation gibts schon ewig das muss nix heißen.
aber da steht ja das gebiet kommt mit den dazugehörigen charakteren und neuem inhalt..naja abwarten vllt isses einfach nur alexandrai mit neuen npc etc. .



12.08.2009, 16:37

nix islam! steht nirgends, nur neues gebiet von 100-105 neue skills und equips und weil das gebiet islamisch aussieht heisst es net dass es neue rasse geben wird, sonst würde ein gebiet von lvl1-40 hinzugefügt wie bei euro update!!


12.08.2009, 16:41

Können doch einfach woanders lvln :D


12.08.2009, 17:38

이에 맞춰 유럽과 중국 캐릭터의 최대 스킬 마스터리 레벨 제한이 각각 조정됩니다. Europe and China, the time limit of characters and a maximum skill level is adjusted maseuteori.
중국 종족에게는 마스터리 레벨 제한 수치가 변경되는 최초의 업데이트 가 됩니다. Levels are limited to species level maseuteori China's first update is to change.

Was heißt das? Meinen die damit das Mastery level?



Beiträge: 81

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12.08.2009, 17:43

Wenn wir "maseuteori" übersetze, kämen wir dem Ganzen näher. Aber hört sich schon so an. Vllt. fragt mal jemand bei koreanischen Freunden nach^^

The Legend of WhiteStriker begins


12.08.2009, 18:03

Wäre so geil <3
"Auf gute Freunde, .."


_SUNShine_ ;D

Beiträge: 2 372

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Beruf: Abzubi ^^

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12.08.2009, 18:07

ist 100% kein neue rasse ....


Legend 9 update in Ksro
I spread the world, the Silk Road Online.

Limited level of rescheduling, including the characters accompanying him, armed with new content and update a large vertical
[Legend IX] in 2009, nine in the can before the service.

Large to provide reliable service to update the incoming 8 gasigwon woleneungaeseon / minimize the development, so
During this period, you do not want to disappoint sidorok hokyeo For the first time, along with updated private Screenshot
To the public.

- Level off limits
All races will be adjusted upward to the level of restrictions 105LV.
Europe and China, the time limit of characters and a maximum skill level is adjusted maseuteori.
Levels are limited to species level maseuteori China's first update is to change.

- Of new content, I

100Lv or more characters, a new town "Alexandria," and the hunting field, "the storm clouds and the desert" is added.
The ancient Silk Road as a mythological world to seek to survive in culture throughout the world to check again
Boasts a vast scale.

- New content II

Skills and equipment items will be added to the order.
Add a new item through the Service are the order of the 180 ˚ existing conservation and utilization, increase the value of other items
System will have new items

- New content III

Instant Dungeon pildeuhyeong "Pharaoh's tomb"
Silk Road to the first competition jikeopgan yirumyeo only to pursue the hunt monster hunting patterns from existing
Competition and conflict, including the reasonable compensation systems across a variety of content-oriented fields of the new structure.

- New content IV

Tailoring the system to be renewed over the problems of the existing Alchemy to complement virtually reborn as a new content

* A large variety of vertical content updates are accompanying him, so that the contents of this bulletin is to introduce us to see some of that hope, the future updates, more information can check the preview.

Once again, Silk Road Online gaebaljin all the fun and excitement of your chest after knocking out a lot of effort is committed to.

Please remember! Silk Road hwaryeohaejin September 2009 and I'll find online.

Thank you.

Quelle : hier klicken



Beiträge: 293

Wohnort: Österreich

Beruf: Maschinenbautechniker

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12.08.2009, 18:31

haha mastery erhöhung onlly for Chineese wie ichs wusste XD


I~ Green Fairy ~I

Beiträge: 1 822

Beruf: Fachlagerist

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12.08.2009, 18:36

is doch geil :D dann kann man bestimmt doch noch 3 trees maxxen :D

wie die erhöhung wohl aussehen wird? 315? 350? 400?


12.08.2009, 18:41



12.08.2009, 19:16

315 würde Sinn machen. Oder 450^^


12.08.2009, 19:19

Bis Level 150 kann man maximal nur 300 vergeben...