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05.12.2013, 19:37

..::Black Rogue::.. [90CAP] [5X Rates] [PvE] [No Free Silk]

..::Black Rogue::.. [90CAP] [5X Rates] [PvE] [No Free Silk]

Server Info
Cap: 90
Race: Chinese and European

Retail like EXP:5X SP:5X

Capture The Flag [Permanent]
50,000 bCoins event.
First fortress winnet event [one time]
Weekly contest "Guess the place on the screenshot" [Permanent]
LOVE Exchange *Unique Event* (100,000bCoins)

Starter pack
+77 1DG Weapon and Set
28Days Grab pet
60% Exp. Helper
100% Exp. Helper
Beginner Return Scroll 20X
Beginner Scroll of Movement 10X
Beginner Scroll of Movement 10X

Item Stacks
Stock of HP/MP = 50
Universal Pill = 50
Stock of Arrows/Bolts = 250
Stock of Elixirs = 100
Stock of Stones = 1
Purification Pills = 50

Business Model
Free 2 Play [bCoins Item Mall]

Download | BlackRogue

Registration | BlackRogue

Community Forums

Backlink to epvp is in latest news section!
The second part of the thread isn't done yet so I post the only first part will post also the second part when it's done.
Any questions are welcome.

Q: Any bots working?
A:SroKing, Mbot (Official non cracked version) and S-Bot is working
Best choose is Mbot i think it is 5euros and can use 3ppls in same time so 1.66Euros for each person/month

Ingame Pics send by our players