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  • »Xara²³« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 297

Wohnort: NrW

Beruf: Student

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07.09.2008, 02:53


A True Dynamic Flight Action Game

Es gab eine Zeit, wo Luftkämpfe nicht mit Raumschiffen ausgestattet mit bunten Laserpistolen gekämpft wurde. Statt dessen verwendeten Piloten alte Flugzeuge und Maschinengewehre, und mussten wirklich schnell und geschickt sein, wenn sie überleben wollten. Das ist genau die Einstellung die du in Aeronauts findet wirst, ein lustiges Online-Spiel, in dem sich Luftkämpfe gegen Leute aus aller Welt beschäftigt.

Eine interessante Eigenschaft ist die Möglichkeit, sowohl Ihren Piloten als auch Ihr Flugzeug mit netter "Kleidung", stärkeren Waffen oder mit neuen Skills nach euren Wünschen anzufertigen. Aeronauts biete keine realistische Grafik stattdessen bietet Aeronauts cartoonhafte Grafik was besser dazu passt.

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Open Beta startet am 18.09

Spoiler Spoiler

Greetings, this is Aeronauts.

We are pleased to announce that the Open Beta Service for Aeronauts
will begin on the 18th of September.

Lots of New Contents will be released along with a number of events with great prizes.

Due to a major updates and preparation for the Open Beta Service,
the game server will be shut down from September 11th 02:00(GMT),
and will be back online on 18th of September.

This server shut down is a necessary procedure for Open beta Service.
However, the official website of Aeronauts will be open through the server shutdown
and will provide lots of new contents along with an event with great prizes.

Check out the website for more information.

New Contents include:
1. New Missions
"Operation Code: Save the Choco Cake"
Save our precious snacks from the Sky Pirates.

2. New Episode
"A Misty Mystery in Paris"
Moulin di Ciel is a Public Enemy of France?
The biggest crisis in the history of Moulin di Ciel! What's the school's destiny?

3. New Aircrafts
a) Jackal(Wolf Class)
Best selling aircraft that used to be used as a standard equipment in many countries in early days.
They have retired from combat but it still has a strong endurance making it a truly fierceful aircraft.

b) White Rabbit(Wolf Class)
Aircraft that played an active part in the early air-ages. It has almost no consideration for the
passengers and also the sensitive power source makes it very hard to control.

c) Panda(Wolf Class)
Legendary heavy weight fighter, classic type with brilliant war results but its lack of
maneuver-ability is its weak point. Now it's giving out its place to the new types.

d) Golden Bat(Wolf Class)
The first attack aircraft with wings that have a full range of motion.
Until the true identity was revealed, it brought fear to everyone.

4. New Skills
a) Pilot Skills : 2 new skills that allows you to dodge attacks and get a better position.

b) Gunner Skills
Michelle :
- Summon Amy : While using Amy, the aircraft is undetectable(invisible).
However, if you shoot or get shot, the invisible mode will not function temporarily.
- Summon Katie : Once hit by the Katie, Katie will interfere the hostile aircraft's maneuver

making it malfunction.

Tao :
- Magnet : Throws a magnet at the opponent.
Once hit by the magnet, it absorbs the bullets nearby, making its defense very weak.
- Bambbo Spear : Throws a bamboo spear at the hostile aircraft's engine.
Once hit by the spear, high pressure gas drains from the engine making it unable to use booster and pilot skills.

5. Record System
a) Ranking
Wanna see where you are ranked in Aeronauts?
Go check out our new "Record Storage" for overall ranking.

b) Objectives
Complete the objectives and achieve tiles / emblems.
Make others admire your skills. Complete all the objectives to become a true pilot of Aeronauts.

c) Replay
Now you can share your re-play with others. You may save your re-play by clicking a single

button on record page and share it with other players. It's time to show off your skills.

6. Others
a) New armor upgrade parts for aircrafts and tools for gunners
b) New suits for pilots and gunners
c) Upgraded interface / UI Improvement
A lot of interfaces including hanger, creating window and game room has been modified.

Be prepared for the new challenge and bring your buddies and join the battle in the sky.
Thank you for your support and interests in Aeronauts.

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~ LoVe Is A gOdS pReSeNt AnD aT tHe SaMe TiMe DeViLs CrAfT ~


07.09.2008, 13:48

Könnte man antesten ^^