x added new dresses to itemmall
x Fairy Dress
x Turkey Dress
x Wedding Dress
added skill restoration to jobmall
added Jobcoin to Arena Shop (1 Arena Coin = 10 Jobcoin)
added Arena coins to Arena Shop (10 Jobcoin = 1 Arena Coin)
reducing Arena requirement to 4 registred characters
reducing CTF requirement to 4 registred characters
Fortress War system change (first war planned for 27.01.2023)
x do not forget to register to Jangan Fortress Friday 27.01.2023 from 01:00 CET - 19:00 CET
x Fortresswar starts at 20:15 CET
x Fortresswar ends at 22:15 CET
The last occupying guild wins and can earn the tax during the next fortress registration period at end of february.