hab hier zwei hacks... auch englische Erklärungen dazu, hab leider voll kP wie die funktionieren oO Wenn ihrs rasufindet sagt pls bescheid ^^
Stage Hack :
Use at your own risk!
This program can change the stage that you're on
why would you change the stage?
if you're npcing on a laggy stage, such as the subway
or if somebody forgets to change the stage
or if you're doing your licence
you can either press the buttons, or use the hotkeys Alt+1 to Alt+9
You have to select the stage, before the game starts
the image doesn't change, but once the game starts, it SHOULD be a different stage
Couple Hack:
Use at your own risk!
point of this is to marry somebody of the same gender
have it as a 2v2 game
you and your partner have to be on the same team, and have the program
you and your parnter can not have the DJ
have the DJ put it as Normal Group
Press Alt+C or the button to enable couple mode
then have the DJ start the game
it SHOULD be in couple mode