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24.06.2007, 12:41

Es gibt so viele Games, die sich ähneln..wo ist das Problem? Wenn du kein SRO mehr spielst dann reg dich darüber doch nicht auf.

Und die langen Quotes das nächste Mal unterlassen, ok? ;)
This is life without you,
Learning how to miss you,
I guess I need to know how it feels like..


Wait for you...

Beiträge: 577

Wohnort: Berlin

Beruf: Schüler 13. Klasse

  • Nachricht senden


24.06.2007, 12:59

Alle regen sich auf und keiner ist zufrieden. Was wollt ihr denn noch alles? Wenn du in einem MMORPG ein Update bringst, ist es immer geklaut. Jedes Spiel, dass einen Totenbeschwörer oder Summoner beinhaltet, ist von Diablo2 geklaut und das selbe lässt sich auf Buffs zurückführen. Es gibt kaum noch Dinge die man integrieren kann, die Sinn machen und es noch nie gab. WoW hat auch viele Dinge aus vorhergegangenem geklaut, nur weil es das erfolgreichste MMORPG aller Zeiten ist, heißt das nicht dass sich die Entwickler alles alleine und zuerst ausgedacht haben. Wenn du kein SRO mehr spielen willst tu es halt nicht. Bekottier es oder sonst was, wenn es dich so aufregt.


24.06.2007, 13:12

Es ist das Wesentliche.
Die Hauptursache ist,das Joymax das Game eigentlich immer weiter verkommen lässt.
Silkroad ist eines der wenigen Spiele,das an einer Tatsache festhält(?).Und Joymax hat die eigentliche Geschichte der Seidenstraße in die Tonne getreten.
Und es interessiert mich wohl noch was hier in Silkroad abgeht.Es ist keineswegs ein scheiß Spiel.Es ist nur ein Spiel mit große Problemen.

Natürlich wird überall geklaut nur diese Dreistigkeit istkaum zu übertreffen.

Andere zitieren lange Texte auch also wieso sollte ich es unterlassen?Ich würde erst dann aufhören,wenn andere es auch nicht mehr dürfen.Eine Sonderbehandlung möchte ich nicht,danke.

Keep it bloody brutal \m/

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ANYUEATER« (24.06.2007, 13:12)


24.06.2007, 13:22


Ohje,das Meiste ist aus WoW geklaut.Hinzu kommen Maple Story und andere Spiele.Zum Beispiel der Warlock,Rogue(Schurke), und Cleric.
Joymax wird wirklich immer dreister sich Ideen von solch großen Spielen wie World of Warraft zu nehmen und die ins eigene Spiel zu übertragen.Die Namen wurden auch noch mitgenommen.Sagt mal,wo denkt ihr werden wir fünf Jahren sein?Wird Silkroad dann mit fliegenden Autos,Whookies und Laserschwertern ausgestattet sein?
Silkroad orientiert sich an anderen großen und berühmten Spielen.
Außerdem wird sich nicht mehr an die original Entstehungsgeschichte von Silkroad gehalten.Was haben Affen und Strauße mit der Seidenstraße zu tun?Seit wann wuchsen den Händlern früher Flügel aus dem Arsch(die Flügel wurden außerdem aus Maple Story importiert.Fazit>auch geklaut)????

Einer hat das Automobil erfunden. Inzwischen gibts so viele Marken die es nachgemacht haben. sollen wir jetzt alle rumheulen? jeder fährt halt das auto was ihm gefällt und was er sich leisten kann. die jenigen die kein geld für wow haben , können silkroad spielen, wieso ziehst du denn alles so runter? überdenk mal deine logik bitte.


"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."

Beiträge: 1 827

Wohnort: Mannheim

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24.06.2007, 13:25


Original von ANYUEATER
Joymax wird wirklich immer dreister sich Ideen von solch großen Spielen wie World of Warraft zu nehmen und die ins eigene Spiel zu übertragen.Die Namen wurden auch noch mitgenommen.Sagt mal,wo denkt ihr werden wir fünf Jahren sein?Wird Silkroad dann mit fliegenden Autos,Whookies und Laserschwertern ausgestattet sein?
Silkroad orientiert sich an anderen großen und berühmten Spielen.
Außerdem wird sich nicht mehr an die original Entstehungsgeschichte von Silkroad gehalten.Was haben Affen und Strauße mit der Seidenstraße zu tun?Seit wann wuchsen den Händlern früher Flügel aus dem Arsch(die Flügel wurden außerdem aus Maple Story importiert.Fazit>auch geklaut)????

1) WoW war nicht das erste Spiel, in dem solche Sachen vorkommen.
2) StarWars Figuren sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen nur mit Lizenzen benutzt werden.
3) Tu erst gar nicht so, als wenn du Ahnung hättest. Ich kann mich auch nicht dran erinnern, dann irgendwann mal einer genuket, seine Glavie geworfen und dann wieder in der Hand hatte, etc.
4) Affen und Strauße? Kannst dir ja gerne mal bei Wikipedia anschauen, wo die so überall leben.
5) Die haben Flügel die ausm Arsch wachsen geklaut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11elf

Fazit: Wenn du außer rumheulen nichts kannst, geh was an die frische Luft, bau mit Freunden ein Baumhaus, etc aber mach hier nicht immer nur alles schlecht.
>> playing: DOTA 2


24.06.2007, 13:28

Trade and Triangular Conflict 2

Trade Party Verbesserung

Nach der Implementierung von Trade and Trangular Conflict 2 wird es eine grosse Veränderung im Party System geben.
-Charater mit Job-aktivitäten und normale Charakter können nicht in die selbe Party
-Hunter,Trader und Thiefs können nicht in die selbe Party
-Wenn du einmal zu einer Party gehörst, kannst du deine Job Kleidung nicht ausziehen

Auch trade Gold und Exp. Punkte werden in einer Party zusammen geteilt
-Jedes Party Mitglied wird zusätzliche Job Exp. Punkte erhalten wenn sie die Ware verkaufen
-Jedes Party Mitglied wird zusätzliche Job Exp. Punkte erhalten wenn Gegner getötet werden
-Hunter erhalten zusätzliches Gold wenn die Trader ihre Ware verkaufen
-Jedes Party Mitglied wird zusätzliches Gold erhalten wenn Trader ihre Ware verkaufen

Handelsmarkt (Quest mit einbezogen)

In den Städten Jangan, Donwhang und Hotan gibt es einen Handelsmarkt. Es werden zusätzlich
Handelsmärkte in Bandit Stronghold, Robber Den und Niya Remains geben.

Du musst erst eine bestimmte Quest machen damit du die neuen Handelsmärkte nutzen darfst.

1. Bandit Stronghold Trade Market Quest: Ab lvl 20 (trader) Quest erhälst du beim
Bandit Stronghold Specialty Trader
2. Black Robber Den Trade Market Quest: Ab lvl 20 (trader) Quest erhälst du beim
Black Robber Den Specialty Trader Hounah.
3. Niya Remains Trade Market Quest: Ab lvl 60 (trader) Quest erhälst du beim Niya
Remains Specialty Trader Payi.


Im vorigen System wurden nur generelle Specialities in den Städten verkauft, im 2. System wurden
bargain Specialities (selber nicht gerafft "jm english") hinzugefügt. Bargain Specialities werden nur limitiert verkauft in Handelsmärkten wie Bandit Stronghold und Black Robber Den.

-Handelsware kann vom NPC nur bezogen werden wenn ein trader eine Transportmöglichkeit hat
-Bargain Specialities können nur in einer begrenzten Zeit bezogen werden. Die Zeit kann man
in den In-game Nachrichten einsehen.
- Trader können ihre Ware an Trade Market NPC´s verkaufen
- Thiefs können ihre Ware nur an den Trade Market NPC in Thief Town verkaufen
- Wenn Du Ware verkaufst:
1. Trader bekommen abhänging von den Marktverhältnissen Gold und ein Teil wird an die Hunter
abgegeben für ihre Hilfe
2. Hunter bekommen vom Trader Schutzgebühren und können von Hunterverbindungen profitieren
3. Thiefs erhalten festgelegtes Geld für ihre geplünderte Ware

Das Kaufen von Waren in Trade and Triangular Conflict 2 wurde verbessert. Man kann zwischen
1 und 5 Star auswählen und die endsprechende Menge an Ware wird automatisch eingekauft. Wenn
man nicht möchte, kann man aber immernoch wie im alten System einkaufen.

Tief und Hunter Monster

Wenn man als trader oder thief Ware transportiert spawnen thief und hunter Monster abhängig von
der Schwierigkeit des Transports (1-5*) Im alten System gab es nur Thief Monster, im neuen
System wurden Hunter Monster hinzugefügt.
- Thief Monster spawnen bei trader und Hunter Monster spawnen bei Thiefs
- Thief und Hunter Monster attakieren immer den Gegner der ihnen am nähesten steht.

Im alten System konnten Thief Monster auch normale Spieler angreifen. Im neuen System können
Thief Monster keine normalen Spieler mehr angreifen und normale Spieler können keine Thief Monster
mehr angreifen.
- Normale Spieler können keine Thief und Hunter Monster angreifen
- Thief Monster können nur Hunter und Trader angreifen
- Hunter Monster können nur Thiefs angreifen
- Thiefs können keine Thief Monster angreifen

Andere Modifikationen

Nach dem Update werden Job Items und Ware zu Gold umgetauscht.

- Angezogene Job Items werden für die selbe Summe Gold umgetauscht für die man sie gekauft hat
- gespawnte Trasport Tiere werden für die selbe Summe Gold umgetauscht für die man es gekauft hat
- Trader Ware beim Transport werden ebenfalls für die selbe Summe Gold zurückerstattet

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DruValvet« (24.06.2007, 13:46)


24.06.2007, 13:39


Original von Project-Dragon


Original von ANYUEATER
Joymax wird wirklich immer dreister sich Ideen von solch großen Spielen wie World of Warraft zu nehmen und die ins eigene Spiel zu übertragen.Die Namen wurden auch noch mitgenommen.Sagt mal,wo denkt ihr werden wir fünf Jahren sein?Wird Silkroad dann mit fliegenden Autos,Whookies und Laserschwertern ausgestattet sein?
Silkroad orientiert sich an anderen großen und berühmten Spielen.
Außerdem wird sich nicht mehr an die original Entstehungsgeschichte von Silkroad gehalten.Was haben Affen und Strauße mit der Seidenstraße zu tun?Seit wann wuchsen den Händlern früher Flügel aus dem Arsch(die Flügel wurden außerdem aus Maple Story importiert.Fazit>auch geklaut)????

1) WoW war nicht das erste Spiel, in dem solche Sachen vorkommen.
2) StarWars Figuren sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen nur mit Lizenzen benutzt werden.
3) Tu erst gar nicht so, als wenn du Ahnung hättest. Ich kann mich auch nicht dran erinnern, dann irgendwann mal einer genuket, seine Glavie geworfen und dann wieder in der Hand hatte, etc.
4) Affen und Strauße? Kannst dir ja gerne mal bei Wikipedia anschauen, wo die so überall leben.
5) Die haben Flügel die ausm Arsch wachsen geklaut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11elf

Fazit: Wenn du außer rumheulen nichts kannst, geh was an die frische Luft, bau mit Freunden ein Baumhaus, etc aber mach hier nicht immer nur alles schlecht.

Deine Kommentare sind einfach nur scheiße,billig und kindisch.Ich wünsche mir wirklich ich würde dich übersehen aber das kann ich leider nicht.Ich verteidige meine Meinung und du kannst ja machen was du willst.Diese Situation ist einfach nur erbärmlich.Schau es dir ruhig an.Guck dir an was in einem Jahr passiert ist. Bots,CCF,Char Handel.Das gab es letztes Jahr Februar noch so gut wie garnicht.
Außerdem braucht ihr nicht das Wort "heulen" zu benutzen.Das zeigt nur auf welcher geistlichen Ebene ihr seid.
Aber macht ruhig weiter.Ich warte nur auf V2,mehr nicht.
Vor zwei Wochen wäre es mir nicht egal gewesen ob ich gebannt werde.Jetzt ist es mir egal.Es geht mir einfach so am Arsch vorbei,wisst ihr.
Das Einzige was hier noch kursiert ist Flamerei,Anmache,Beleidigung,Stumpfsinn und Inkompetenz.
Ich hätte mir das von einem so tollen Forum mit so tollen Mitgliedern nie erhofft.

Keep it bloody brutal \m/


24.06.2007, 13:48


Original von ANYUEATER
Andere zitieren lange Texte auch also wieso sollte ich es unterlassen?Ich würde erst dann aufhören,wenn andere es auch nicht mehr dürfen.Eine Sonderbehandlung möchte ich nicht,danke.

Das war nicht nur an dich gerichtet. Es wurde aber schon oft genug gesagt. Da sollte man das eigentlich wissen.
This is life without you,
Learning how to miss you,
I guess I need to know how it feels like..


24.06.2007, 13:49


Original von HuangZe


Original von ANYUEATER
Andere zitieren lange Texte auch also wieso sollte ich es unterlassen?Ich würde erst dann aufhören,wenn andere es auch nicht mehr dürfen.Eine Sonderbehandlung möchte ich nicht,danke.

Das war nicht nur an dich gerichtet. Es wurde aber schon oft genug gesagt. Da sollte man das eigentlich wissen.

Ich war schon länger nicht mehr hier also habe ich das leider nicht mitbekommen.Tut mir leid :]
Das nächste Mal einfach nochmal darauf hinweisen,dann versteh ich das schon ;)

Keep it bloody brutal \m/


24.06.2007, 13:52

anyueater, ich verwette meinen rießendödel drauf, dass, wenn du gebannt wirst, dich erstmal ne woche in deinem emobaumhaus ausheulen wirst.
So wie du herkommst, ist das auch nicht anders zu erwarten.
meinst du, wenn wow nich kostenpflichtig wäre, würde da man nich botten(macht man zwar auch,aber nur eine minderzahl),ccfen,etc?
woher willst du wissen, was letztes jahr im februar abging?warst du denn da schon auf der welt?
Neid ist die größte anerkennung von Ruhm.
Umso mehr leute dich haten, umso besser bist du!

Warum ist eigentlich niemand stolz auf Deutschland? Warum darf niemand darauf stolz sein, Deutscher zu sein? Ausser natürlich, man hat eine rechte Gesinnung!
Denn sobald man in irgendeiner Art und Weise von sich gibt, stolz darauf zu sein ein Deutscher zu sein, wird man aufs übelste als Nazi beschimpft und kommt garnichtmehr zu Wort, zuegründen warum man stolz ist!


24.06.2007, 13:57


Original von FanatiX
anyueater, ich verwette meinen rießendödel drauf, dass, wenn du gebannt wirst, dich erstmal ne woche in deinem emobaumhaus ausheulen wirst.
So wie du herkommst, ist das auch nicht anders zu erwarten.
meinst du, wenn wow nich kostenpflichtig wäre, würde da man nich botten(macht man zwar auch,aber nur eine minderzahl),ccfen,etc?
woher willst du wissen, was letztes jahr im februar abging?warst du denn da schon auf der welt?

Letzets Jahr Februar war ich in Silkroad schon lange mit von der Partie.Natürlich würden leute,wenn WoW nicht kostenpflichtig wäre.Der Support wird ja auch aus dem Geld der Leute finaziert.
Die Worte mit denen ich mich letztens positiv über dich geäußert habe wären dann wohl wieder für die Tonne.Sieh es ein,du wirst dich nie ändern.
Und es wäre mir wirklich egal.Ich würde einfach weiterlesen.Schreiben kann man eh nicht mehr viel zwischen diesem scheiß rumgeflame.
Und ich wäre sehr dankbar,wenn das hier jetzt mal jemand beenden würde.Es wundert mich doch immer wieder,dass ihr mir meinen Willen und meine Meinung nehmen wollt.Aber gut,macht weiter.Dann habe ich wenigstens was zu lachen =)

Keep it bloody brutal \m/


24.06.2007, 14:01


Original von ANYUEATER


Original von FanatiX
anyueater, ich verwette meinen rießendödel drauf, dass, wenn du gebannt wirst, dich erstmal ne woche in deinem emobaumhaus ausheulen wirst.
So wie du herkommst, ist das auch nicht anders zu erwarten.
meinst du, wenn wow nich kostenpflichtig wäre, würde da man nich botten(macht man zwar auch,aber nur eine minderzahl),ccfen,etc?
woher willst du wissen, was letztes jahr im februar abging?warst du denn da schon auf der welt?

Letzets Jahr Februar war ich in Silkroad schon lange mit von der Partie.Natürlich würden leute,wenn WoW nicht kostenpflichtig wäre.Der Support wird ja auch aus dem Geld der Leute finaziert.
Die Worte mit denen ich mich letztens positiv über dich geäußert habe wären dann wohl wieder für die Tonne.Sieh es ein,du wirst dich nie ändern.
Und es wäre mir wirklich egal.Ich würde einfach weiterlesen.Schreiben kann man eh nicht mehr viel zwischen diesem scheiß rumgeflame.
Und ich wäre sehr dankbar,wenn das hier jetzt mal jemand beenden würde.Es wundert mich doch immer wieder,dass ihr mir meinen Willen und meine Meinung nehmen wollt.Aber gut,macht weiter.Dann habe ich wenigstens was zu lachen =)

sieh es ein?
wieso sollte ICH es einsehen?ich glaube du musst es einsehen, dass es kein sinn hat?
lesen,denken,schreiben, nicht nur schreiben, thx
nicht nur der support wird von dem geld bezahlt, auch die updates,etc, also erst lesen,denken,schreiben, nicht nur schreiben,thx
Neid ist die größte anerkennung von Ruhm.
Umso mehr leute dich haten, umso besser bist du!

Warum ist eigentlich niemand stolz auf Deutschland? Warum darf niemand darauf stolz sein, Deutscher zu sein? Ausser natürlich, man hat eine rechte Gesinnung!
Denn sobald man in irgendeiner Art und Weise von sich gibt, stolz darauf zu sein ein Deutscher zu sein, wird man aufs übelste als Nazi beschimpft und kommt garnichtmehr zu Wort, zuegründen warum man stolz ist!


24.06.2007, 14:02

oh man bitte close the thread, jetzt fängts schon wieder an. andere machen sich mühe und so paar kinder müssen sich hier im forum anstatt auf m spielplatz austoben. das hat hier nix mehr mit dem thread zu tun. zu schade, da vergehts einem langsam.


24.06.2007, 14:10

Bei dir läuft es immer ab Fanatix:
Versuchen im Flug möglichst alles zu lesen und ins negative zu ändern>Griffel bewegen>Das komplette Gehirn(pardon) dazu benutzen um zu beleidigen>sich ihm Ruhm wälzen.

Wirklich,diese dummen Spielchen mit dir gehen mir auf die Nerven.Du bringst mich immer auf die Palme und dann brauchen sich die Meisten hier nicht zu wundern,wenn ich in letzter Zeit nur destruktives(verstehst du dieses Wort nich,dann schlag bitte im Duden nach.Dies wird wohl der Fall sein) posten kann.
Andere dürfen schreiben was sie wollen,sie werden nicht beachtet.Ich hingegegen bekomme von euch mehr Aufmerksamkeit als ich möchte.Wenn ich es auch nur wage zu sagen was ich denke werde ich sofort ins Visier genommen.
Kommentar abgefeuert.
Ziel zerstört.
Übertragung ende.

Letzteres ergänzt

Keep it bloody brutal \m/

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ANYUEATER« (24.06.2007, 14:11)


24.06.2007, 14:28

Topic: Mit Europa.. haben wir dann 6 oder weiterhin 3 Chars pro Account zur Verfügung?

Off-Topic: Leute, das ist kein Chat! Klärt das per PN - oder über GlobalChats, falls ihr unbedingt die Aufmerksamkeit braucht.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ndef« (24.06.2007, 14:29)


24.06.2007, 14:33

könnt ihr euren kleinkrieg per pm weiterführen? ist ja grausam.. ihr beschüldigt euch beide gegenseitig, das der andere ein kind ist, kein niveau hat oder keine kompetenz. guckt ma was ihr fürn mist hier schreibt. es nervt!



24.06.2007, 14:39


Mit Europa.. haben wir dann 6 oder weiterhin 3 Chars pro Account zur Verfügung?

Pro Account hast du dann 4 Chars zur verfügung.

du kannst dann beim character creating erst aussuchen ob du nen euro oden nen china char willst. das kriieren der chars ist dann nicht mehr bei dem chinesischen steg sonden and den docks von konstantinobel

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DruValvet« (24.06.2007, 14:46)


Wait for you...

Beiträge: 577

Wohnort: Berlin

Beruf: Schüler 13. Klasse

  • Nachricht senden


24.06.2007, 15:03

Any ich kann dich voll und ganz verstehen. Sein Verhalten ist einfach nur kindisch, selbst für sein alter. Ich würde die Admins und Mods darum bitten, endlich etwas zu unternehmen. Mir wurde in der kurzen Zeit die ich hier bin schon öfters per PN geschrieben wieviele Probleme das Team mit ihm hat. Wieso tut ihr dann nichts? Was hält euch an so einem User der selbst die Admins aufregt und sogut wie nie brauchbare Comments schreibts sondern immer alles negativ macht, Leute auf ihre Beiträge anmacht oder sie anderseitig runter macht.

Zu deiner Diskussion Any. Ich verstehe teilweise schon was du meinst, aber du musst auch einsehen das die meisten User hier auch teilweise Recht haben. Alles ist von allem kopiert, da sind die Leute von Joymax nicht die ersten, die etwas von WoW klauen.


Ich weiss nicht ob es bereits gepostet wurde, aber hier mal Klassen + Skills.



R1C1: Stealth Extension
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
It increases Stealth continous time.
L1- Continuity hour 12 second continuity
L4- Continuity hour 48 second continuity

R2C1: Scorn
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1- Continuous hour 3 second
L2- Continuous hour 4.5 second

Note: It has a lock action on a target only useable on a player, not a monster. It prevents the opponet from targetting anyone else, but you for 4 seconds or so. It’s like a tank skill, focusing dmg on yourself, but its more of a clown skill to confuse the enemy and prevent them from attacking anyone.

R2C2: Stealth
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
Make you invisible, but speed of travel diminish.
L1- Continuous hour 60 second, stealth 3 grade
L4- Continuous hour 60 second, stealth 6 grade

R2C3: De-stealth
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1- Continuous hour 60 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m, stealth discovery 3 grade
L4- Continuous hour 60 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m, stealth discovery 6 grade

Note: This skill can be used to detect stealth character and also invisible fire trap.

R2C4: Tag Point
Skill form : Active e
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
Mark and track an enemy. The location of a tracked enemy can be seen in the map within the specified time and distance.
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, connection distance 1000m, connection modification 1
L3-Continuous hour 900 second, connection distance 1600m, connection modification 1

R2C5: Mass Scorn
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1- Continuous hour 4 second, front scope radius 10.0m (the object 3)

Note: Does the same thing as Scorn, but prevents up to 3 people in a 10.0m radius from attacking anyone else but you. Basically they cant click on anything else for 4 seconds. Useful for protecting people or I don’t know maybe stopping their attacks when there about to hit someone other than you. The skill looks like a golden lock above the targeted foes head.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1- Continuous hour 6.0 second, poison probability 20% (effect 48 )
L6- Continuous hour 6.0 second, poison probability 20% (effect 128 )

Note: This is kinda like a poison imbue, but with no damage boost.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 ), poison status error decrease (effect 38 ), poison status probability 50% decrease (3 grade)
L4- Continuous hour 1800 second, circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 ), poison status error decrease (effect 68 ), poison status probability 50% decrease (6 grade)

Note: Poison resist buff to party members.

R3C3: Poison Field
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1-Circumference scope radius 6.0m (target 5), poison probability 80% (effect 92)
L3- Circumference scope radius 6.0m (target 5), poison probability 80% (effect 132)

Note: Mass poison with no damage.

R3C4: Poison Trap
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
Set up a poison trap on the ground and affect whoever in the area specified.
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 5), poison probability 80% (effect 108 )
L2- Continuous hour 30 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 5), poison probability 80% (effect 128 )

Note: this guy sure pack with tones of poison.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
L1- Essence production (it drove possibly, su to sprout, level 20) of the dead person
L5- Essence production (it drove possibly, su to sprout, level 60) of the dead person

Note: Make "mask" from monsters...If u killed monster fast press the this skill... at the Inventory u will get a "MASK" ... u can click it right mouse button then u will look the same like a monster (and fight like him) for 13 minutes (or maybe 14 minutes)

R4C2 : Duplicate
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger, Cross Bow
Catch a monster and summon it as a pet. Can only catch a monster up to your own level.
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, maximum transformation possible level 60
L2- Continuous hour 900 second, maximum transformation possible level 80

R5C1: Cross Bow Power Up
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage done by cross bow skills.
L1- Physical attack power 4% increases
L15- Physical attack power 60% increases

R5C2: Wide Sight
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the range of crossbow skills
L1- Range 1.0m increase
L3- Range 3.0m increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
Decrease the damage from long range physical attack.
L1-Physical damage 3% absorption
L5- Physical damage 8% absorption

R5C4: Cross Bow Extreme
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1-Continous time 900 second, Damage 75% increase, physical attack power 18 increase, maximum HP 50% decrease, and maximum physical defence strength 40% decrease.
L7- time 900 second, Damge 75% increase, physical attack power 88 increase, maximum HP 50% decrease, and maximum physical defence strength 40% decrease.

Note: Up to 75% damage increase, but lower 50% max Hp and physical defence. Best used together with stealth. Imagine sniping someone from far, and killing him before he even knows what hit him.

R6C1: Power Shot
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1- Physical attack power 20~24 (+266%), Down-attack Damage 50% increases and Knock-back probabilities 35%
L11- Physical attack power 202~246 (+266%), Down-attack Damage 50% increases and Knock-back probabilities 35%

Note. Yes, crossbow now can attack KD target.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1- Physical attack power 34~42 (+51%), range 15.0m increase
L12- Physical attack power 294~359 (+51%), range 15.0m increase

R6C3: Long Shot
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1- Physical attack power 66~81 (+319%), range 7.0m increase
L11- Physical attack power 364~445 (+319%), range 7.0m increase

R6C4: Press Shot
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1- Physical attack power 172~210 (+215%), Knock-down 50% (lv 40)
L6- Physical attack power 364~445 (+215%), Knock-down 50% (lv 60)

Note: This is shocking. Crossbow got knock-down skills too!!! Imagine yourself keep getting Knock-downed from far by this guy.. It will be rather hard to get close to him at all. This is scary.

R6C5: Extend Shot
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1- Physical attack power 254~310 (+175%), Knock-back probabilities 35% (1 time), successive shots 2 times, Down-attack damage 50% increase
L3- Physical attack power 339~414 (+175%), Knock-back probabilities 35% (1 time), successive shots 2 times, Down-attack damage 50% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-physical
Use Weapon : Cross Bow
L1- Physical attack power 364~445 (+51%), range 15.0m increase, front scope radius 10.0m (the object 3)

R7C1 : Dagger Power Up
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage done by dagger skills.
L1- Physical attack power 4% increases
L15- Physical attack power 60% increases

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase hit rate when dagger skills are used.
L1- Hit rate 9 increases
L6- Hit rate 27 increases

R7C3: Poison Power Up
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Only apply when poision skills and with dagger equiped, are used.
L1- Poison damage 19 increase and poison effect 30 increase
L5- Poison damage 107 increase and poison effect 70 increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the continuous hour of poison effect. Only apply when poision skills and with dagger equiped, are used.
L1- Continuity hour 1.0 second increase
L3- Continuity hour 2.0 second increase

Note: More poison effect boost.

R7C5: Stealth Dagger
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect only applies when in stealth mode. Increase the attack power of dagger.
L1- Physical attack power 62 increases
L6- Physical attack power 202 increases

R7C6: Quick Step
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Only apply in stealth mode and with dagger equiped.
L1- Speed of travel 10% increase
L2- Speed of travel 20% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, Damage 75% increase, physical attack power 18 increase, maximum physical defensive strength 75% decrease and maximum magical defensive strength 75% decrease
L7- Continuous hour 900 second, Damage 75% increase, physical attack power 88 increase, maximum physical defensive strength 75% decrease and maximum magical defensive strength 75% decrease

Note: Up to 75% damage increase, but at the cost of 75% decrease in magical and physical defence. I think this should be used with stealth. Imagine sneaking up to someone and kill him in a few hit before he even reacts.

R8C1: Spinning
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1- Physical attack power 20~24 (+87%)
L15- Physical attack power 364~445 (+87%)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1- Physical attack power 34~42 (+87%), Down-attack damage 50% increase and hemorrhage 87 grade (probability 50% and 30.0 seconds)
L12- Physical attack power 294~359 (+87%), Down-attack damage 50% increase and hemorrhage 87 grade (probability 50% and 30.0 seconds)

Note: Rogue seems to have hemorrhage (severe bleeding? Burn-like effect?) effect like warrior.

R8C3: Scud
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1-Continous hour 15 second, speed of travel 40% increase
L6-Continous hour 15 second, speed of travel 90% increase

Note: Up to 90% speed increase! but for 15 seconds only..

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1- Physical attack power 66~81 (+173%), stun 2 grade (probability 30% and 5.0 seconds)
L11- Physical attack power 364~445 (+173%), stun 6 grade (probability 30% and 5.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1- Physical attack power 172~210 (+122%), blunting 4 grade (probability 10% 3 times, 20.0 seconds), successive shots 3 times
L6- Physical attack power 364~445 (+122%), blunting 6 grade (probability 10% 3 times, 20.0 seconds), successive shots 3 times

Note: Rogue seems to have blunting (reduce the sharpness of your weapon? Decrease damage? ) effect like warrior too.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger
Consume 10% of HP. Cannot be used if HP is below 10%.
L1- Physical attack power 172~210 (+390%), hemorrhage 4 grade (probability 30% and 30.0 seconds) and stun 4 grade (probability 10% and 10.0 seconds)
L6- Physical attack power 364~445 (+390%), hemorrhage 6 grade (probability 30% and 30.0 seconds) and stun 6 grade (probability 10% and 10.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : Dagger
L1- Physical attack power 364~445 (+115%), Down-attack damage 50% increase and hemorrhage 6 grade (probability 20% 3 times, 30.0 seconds), successive shots 3 times

Warrior Skills:


R1C1: Taunt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short Distance- Physical
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Taunt the target to attack oneself.
L1- Other fortune thu 1016
L10- Other fortune thu 10048

Note: Help on what the number means..

R1C2: Vital Increase
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, physical damage 35% decrease, magical damage 35% decrease and the maximum HP 583 increase
L7- Continuous hour 900 second, physical damage 35% decrease, magical damage 35% decrease and the maximum HP 3328 increase

R1C3: Descry
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m, stealth discovery 3 grade
L4- Continuous hour 30 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m, stealth discovery 6 grade

Note: See stealth character within 10.0m radius. High grade of stealth needs higher level of this skill to detect.

R1C4: Sprint Assault
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-physical
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
L1- Physical attack power 111~136 (+46%), Knock-back probabilities 40%, stun 3 grade (probability 25% and 5.0 seconds), other fortune thu 252
L8- Physical attack power 339~414 (+46%), Knock-back probabilities 52%, stun 6 grade (probability 27% and 5.0 seconds) and other fortune thu 771

R1C5: Iron Skin
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
L1- Continuous hour 10 second, physical defensive strength 238 increase
L4- Continuous hour 10 second, physical defensive strength 471 increase
Note: Amazing increase in physical defence, but only last for 10 second.

R1C6: Halfing Shout
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short Distance- Physical
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Taunt up to 5 target in an area specifed to attack oneself.
L1- HP 10% consuming and other fortune thu, evasion ratio 10048, circumference scope radius 10.0m (the object 5)

Note: Same as the first skill, just that this can affect to 5 target in 10.0 radius, but it consumes HP.

R1C7: Mana Skin
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
L1- Continuous hour 10 second, magical defensive strength 754 increase

Note: Amazing increase in magical defence, but only last for 10 second.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Share the damage (physical and magical?) taken 1 person.
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 1, damage dispersion 35%
L3- Continuous hour 30 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 1, damage dispersion 45%

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Share the physical damage taken by 2 person.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 2, physical damage 33% absorption
L6- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 2, physical damage 48% absorption

Note: I am guessing that this skill can share the physical damage taken by 2 person in 100m, up to 48% of damage can be shared.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Share magical damage taken by 2 person.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 2, magical damage 36% absorption
L6- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 2, magical damage 45% absorption

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Share the damage (physical and magical?) taken 1 person.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, with connection modification 2, damage 36% absorption
L4- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, with connection modification 2, damage 45% absorption

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe
Cannot be used on yourself.
L1- Continuous hour 15 second, physical defensive strength 541 increase

Note: Amazing increase in physical defence, but only last for 15 second.

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage done by one hand sword.
L1- Physical attack power 4% increase
L15- Physical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword
L1- Physical defensive strength 3% increase
L10- Physical defensive strength 51% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword
L1- Block Ratio 2% increase
L5- Block Ratio 6% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword
L1- Critical parry ratio 14 increase
L4- Critical parry ratio 26 increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short Distance- Physical
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword
L 1- Physical attack power 20~24 (+153%), Down-Attack damage 50%, with U him 90
L15- Physical attack power 364~445 (+153%), Down-Attack damage 50%, with U him 1653

Note: This skill can be used on KD target. Dunno what the last value means...

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Shield
“hwi It puts around the shield strongly and puts on a damage su the Kilo the enemy field which panics in sudden attack is pushed out with after in the enemy field the front or instantaneously becomes the blunting condition.”
L1-Physical attack power 34~42 (+138%), Knock-back probability 80%, front scope radius 2.0m (target 3), blunting 1 grade (probability 40% and 20.0 seconds) and other fortune thu 140
L12- Physical attack power 294~359 (+138%), Knock-back probabilities 80%, front scope radius 2.0m (target 3), blunting 6 grade (probability 40% and 20.0 seconds) and other fortune thu 1203

Note: Blunting (reduce sharpness of weapon? decrease attack?) might be a new abnormal status...and what's the last value? Those who have learn this skills please help…

R4C3: Double Stab
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword
L1- Magical attack power 66~81 (+124%), successive shot 2 times
L11- Magical attack power 364~445 (+124%), successive shots 2 times

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword
Cannot be used if HP is below 10%.
L1- Magical attack power 172~210 (+124%), successive shots 2 times, HP 10% consuming
L6- Magical attack power 364~445 (+124%), successive shots 2 times, HP 10% consuming

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : One Hand Sword, Shield
L1- Physical attack power 364~445 (+92%), knock-back probabilities 80% (1 time), front scope radius 1.5m (the object 3), successive shots 2 times, blunting 6 grade (probability 25% 2 times, 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage done by two hand sword.
L1- Physical attack power 4% increase
L15- Physical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
L1- Critical 2 increases
L5- Critical 6 increases

Note: Cool passive for critical increase.

R5C3: Damage Return
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
L1- Damage return probability 20%, physical damage return ratio 20%, damage return radius 10.0m
L5- Damage return probability 50%, physical damage return ratio 50%, damage return radius 10.0m

Note: This is like an aura of 10.0m that returns physical damage dealt up 50% at a chance of 50%.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
L1- Physical attack power 20~24 (+325%), Down-Attack damage 50% increases and Knock-back probabilities 35%, front scope radius 1.0m (the object 3), other fortune thu 190
L15- Physical attack power 364~445 (+325%), Down-Attack damage 50% increases and Knock-back probabilities 35%, front scope radius 1.0m (the object 3), other fortune thu 3502

Note: Dunno what's the last figure...

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
L1- Physical attack power 34~42 (+238%), Knock-down 50% (lv 10), other fortune thu 242
L13- Physical attack power 339~414 (+238%), Knock-down 50% (lv 58 ), other fortune thu 2394

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
Raise own physical attack power.
L1-Continuous hour 900 second, physical attack power 6 increases
L9- Continuous hour 900 second, physical attack power 59 increases

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
L1- Physical attack power 66~81 (+170%), successive shots 2 times, Down-attack damage 50% increase
L11- Physical attack power 364~445 (+170%), successive shots 2 times, Down-attack damage 50% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Two Hand Sword
L1-Physical attack power 172~210 (+487%), knock-back probability 50%, penetration scope (penetration up to 3), damage decrease -35%, stun 4 grade (probability 30% and 5.0 seconds) and other fortune thu 2480, HP 10% consuming
L6- Physical attack power 364~445 (+487%), knock-back probabilities 50%, penetration scope (penetration up to 3), damage decrease -35%, stun 6 grade (probability 30% and 5.0 seconds) and other fortune thu 5253, HP 10% consuming

Note: Dunno what's the last value for...

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage done by axe.
L1- Physical attack power 4% increase
L15- Physical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Apply only when axe is equipped.
L1- Hit rate 13 increases
L5- Hit rate 27 increases

R7C3: Protection
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Abnormal status decrease (effect 40) and Abnormal status probability 50% (3 grade) reduce
L4- Abnormal status decrease (effect 70) and Abnormal status probability 50% (6 grade) reduce

R8C1: Knock-down Cross
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Physical attack power 20~24 (+195%), Down-Attack damage 50%, other fortune thu 114
L15- Physical attack power 364~445 (+195%), Down-Attack damage 50%, other fortune thu 2101

R8C2: Double Twist
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Physical attack power 34~42 (+107%), hemorrhage 1 grade (probability 25% 2 times, 30.0 seconds), stun 1 grade (probability 15% 2 times, 10.0 seconds), successive shots 2 times
L12- Physical attack power 294~359 (+107%), hemorrhage 6 grade (probability 25% 2 times, 30.0 seconds) and stun 6 grade (probability 15% 2 times, 10.0 seconds), successive shots 2 times
Note: What is “hemorrhage” (severe bleeding,? Burn-like effect?) ? Need help here..

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, physical defensive strength 5 increase
L9- Continuous hour 900 second, physical defensive strength 47 increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Physical attack power 172~210 (+39%), other fortune thu 200, HP 10% consuming
L6- Physical attack power 364~445 (+39%), other fortune thu 424, HP 10% consuming

Note: ....what the heck is "other fortune thu"....

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Physical attack power 364~445 (+90%), hemorrhage 6 grade (probability 20% 3 times, 30.0 seconds) and stun 6 grade (probability 10% 3 times, 10.0 seconds), 3-hit combo

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Physical-Short Distance
Use Weapon : Axe
L1- Physical attack power 66~81 (+56%), 3-hit combo, front scope radius 2.0m (target 3)
L11- Physical attack power 364~445 (+56%), 3-hit combo, front scope radius 2.0m (target 3)



Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of earth magic.
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of ice magic.
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of fire magic.
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of lighting magic.
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1- MP consuming quantity 3% decrease
L4- MP consuming quantity 9% decrease

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, magical damage 25% increases, the maximum HP 50% decreases and magical attack power 59 increases
L7- Continuous hour 900 second, magical damage 25% increases, the maximum HP 50% decreases and magical attack power 281 increases

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increse the range of magic.
L1- Range 1.0m increase
L2- Range 2.0m increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short-distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+325%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)
L13- Magical attack power 437~535 (+325%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (the object 5)

R3C2: Root
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Stop the movement of a target?
L1- Restraint 2 grade
L5- Restraint 6 grade

R3C3: Earth Shock
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+390%), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5), blunting 2 grade (probability 30% and 20.0 seconds)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+390%), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5), blunting 6 grade (probability 30% and 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 20 second, physical damage 30% absorption, circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )
L2- Continuous hour 20 second, physical damage 34% absorption, circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+325%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)

R4C1: Ice bolt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Physical attack power 32~39 (+271%), freeze probability 10% (effect 28 ), frostbite probability 40% (effect 28 )
L13- Physical attack power 437~535 (+271%), freeze probability 10% (effect 124), frostbite probability 40% (effect 124)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 60 second, combustion 2 grade
L5- Continuous hour 60 second, combustion 6 grade

Note: Hmm…anyone knows what’s the effect of combustion? Something to do with disrupting mental concentration and MP recoveries

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+325%), freeze probability 20% (effect 60), frostbite probability 80% (effect 60), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+325%), freeze probability 20% (effect 60), frostbite probability 80% (effect 60), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Become transparent (invisible), can only be seen by party members, but cannot move. Will become visible again if other skills are used.
L1- Continuous hour 60 second, transparency 3 grade
L4- Continuous hour 60 second, transparency 6 grade

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Physical attack power 582~711 (+116%), freeze probability 10% (1 effect 140), frostbite probability 40% (1 effect 140), successive shot 3 times

Note: Magical attack 3-hit combo…

R5C1: Fire Bolt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+366%), burn probability 20% (status 28, lv 4)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+366%), burn probability 20% (status 140, lv 60)

R5C2: Fire Trap
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Set up an invisible fire trap on ground.
L1- Continuous hour 120 second, connection distance 30m, connection modification 1, magical attack power 55~67 (+439%), burn 30% (40, lv 10), circumference scope radius 7.0m (target 5)
L13- Continuous hour 120 second, connection distance 30m, connection modification 1, magical attack power 543~663 (+439%), burn probability 30% (136, lv 58 ), circumference scope radius 7.0m (target 5)

R5C3: Fire Blow
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+167%), burn probability 20% (7 effect 60, lv 20), successive shots 7 times, penetration scope (penetration up to 3), damage decrease -35%
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+167%), burn probability 20% (7 effect 140, lv 60), successive shots 7 times, penetration scope (penetration up to 3), damage decrease -35%

Note: A 7-hit magical combo, with penetration.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 10 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 5), transparency discovery 3 grade.
L4- Continuous hour 10 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 5), transparency discovery 6 grade.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+439%), burn probability 20% (effect 140, lv 60), front scope radius 3.0m (target 3)

R6C1: Lighting Bolt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+217%), transfer scope distance 10.0m (target 2), electric shock probability 15% (effect 28 )
L13- Magical attack power 437~535 (+217%), transfer scope distance 10.0m (target 2), electric shock probability 15% (effect 124)

R6C2: Lighting Shock
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
Target inflicted with Fear does not attack you.
L1- Fear 2 grade (probability 80% and 10.0 seconds)
L5- Fear 6 grade (probability 80% and 10.0 seconds)

Note: Can someone confirm this?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+41%), electric shock probability 10% (6 times, effect 28 ), Knock-back probabilities 80% (6 times), successive shots 6 times, front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+41%), electric shock probability 10% (6 times, effect 28 ), Knock-back probabilities 80% (6 times), successive shots 6 times, front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)

Note: 6-hit combo on 5 target with 80% push-back effect. o.O

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Dash/Teleport a certain distance.
L1- Travel distance 10.0m
L2- Travel distance 12.5m

Note: Euro version of phantom walk.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+217%), transfer scope distance 10.0m (target object 3), electric shock probability 15% (effect 140)



Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the abnormal status duration inflicted by Dark magic.
L1- Continuity hour 20% increase
L2- Continuity hour 40% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1-Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 32~39 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 28, lv 4)
L15- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 582~711 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 140, lv 60)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 55~67 (+37%), poison probability 25% (effect 40)
L13- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 543~663 (+37%), poison probability 25% (effect 136)

R2C3: Decay
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict hemorrhage (severe bleeding).
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 106~130 (+37%), hemorrhage 2 grade (probability 25% and 10.0 seconds)
L11- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 582~711 (+37%), hemorrhage 6 grade (probability 25% and 10.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict blunting (decrease physical strength)
L1-Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 253~309 (+37%), blunting 4 grade (probability 25% and 20.0 seconds)
L6- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 543~663 (+37%), blunting 6 grade (probability 25% and 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 377~460 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 120, lv 50), front scope radius 7.0m (target 3)
L3- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 505~618 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 136, lv 58 ), front scope radius 7.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 543~663 (+37%), poison probability 25% (effect 140), front scope radius 7.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict corruption status (weaken physical defence strength)
L1-Corruption 2 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L5-Corruption 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict Weak status (weaken magical defence)
L1- Weak 3 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L4- Weak 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod

Note: Can’t interpret the name of status effect. Something about “weaken physical attack” and “diminish magical damage”.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod

Note: Can’t interpret the name of status effect. Something about “increasing physical and magical damage received”

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon and empty hand
L1-Magical damage 4% increase
L15- Magical damage 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon and empty hand
L1- Trap damage 115 increases
L4- Trap damage 377 increases

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+215%)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+215%)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Lurk 5 grade (probability 80%)
L2- Lurk 6 grade (probability 80%)

Note: No idea what this does. Something related to trap.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Magical attack power 406~496 (+215%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)
L3- Magical attack power 543~663 (+215%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Stun 2 grade (probability 80% and 5 seconds)
L5- Stun 6 grade (probability 80% and 5 seconds)

Note: A spell with 80% stun!! This is a vey scary spell.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict nearsighted status effect (shorten the attack range of target)
L1- Nearsighted 3 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L4- Nearsighted 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 180 second, the maximum transformation possible level 50
L3- Continuous hour 180 second, the maximum transformation possible level 70

Note: No idea what the real effect is. Got to do with “confusion in position”

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1- HP absorption quantity 64 increases, HP draining skill attack power 56 increases
L15- HP absorption Quantity 1190 increases, HP draining skill attack power 1034 increases

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Drain HP from target and heal oneself. This skill disgard target's defence strength.
L1-HP absorption 64
L11- HP absorption 660

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
A buff that will deals absolute damage (disregard defence strength) in the area around the target periodically.
L1- Continuous hour 16 second, circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5), absolute damage 126
L11- Continuous hour 16 second, circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5), absolute damage 690

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Set up a protective layer upon on a party member other than yourself. Those who attack that member might be stunned.
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, connection distance 100m, validity distance above connection modification 1, stun 3 grade (probability 25% and 5.0 seconds) and condition 10m
L4- Continuous hour 30 second, connection distance 100m, validity distance above connection modification 1, stun 6 grade (probability 25% and 5.0 seconds) and condition 10m

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Return magical damage back to the attacker. Damage returned is irregardless of the attacker’s defence.
L1- Continuous hour 16 second, damage return probability 35%, magical damage return ratio 30%, damage return radius 10.0m
L3- Continuous hour 16 second, damage return probability 35%, magical damage return ratio 60%, damage return radius 10.0m

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Drain HP from target and heal oneself. This skill disgard target's defence strength.
L1-HP absorption 830
L3-HP absorption 1109

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict sleep status. Sleep effect will be canceled if the target is hit or casted on.
L1- Sleep 2 grade (probability 80% and 20.0 seconds)
L5- Sleep 6 grade (probability 80% and 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflics panic status effect (weakens recovery and healing)
L1- Panic 3 grade (probability 80% and 15.0 seconds)
L4- Panic 6 grade (probability 80% and 15.0 seconds)

Note: Need confirmation.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 4), with U him 1272 decreases
L4- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 4), with U him 2512 decreases



Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of harp magic
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

R1C2: Echo
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the range of harp magic
L1- Range 2.5m increase
L4- Range 10m increase

R1C3: Music Life
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1-MP consumption 10% decrease
L5-MP consumption 22% decrease

R1C4: Prism
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1-Resistance ratio 6% increase
L3-Resistance ratio 10% increase

Note: Not sure what this does.

R2C1: Horror Cord
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Harp
L1-Magical attack power 32~39 (+184%)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+184%)

R2C2: Booming Cord
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Magical
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+368%), circumference scope radius 8.0m (target 5)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+368%), circumference scope radius 8.0m (target 5)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+184%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
Increase the movement speed of party members.
L1- Continuous hour 600 second, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 ), movement speed 20% increase
L6- Continuous hour 600 second, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 ), movement speed 55% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Physical damage 20% absorption, every 5 seconds 63 mp consuming, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L5- Physical damage 32% absorption, every 5 seconds 374 mp consuming, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Note: normally if the target is 8, it means party members, as long as they are in the area specified.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Magical damage 23% absorption, every 5 seconds 109 mp consuming, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L4- - Magical damage 32% absorption, every 5 seconds 109 mp consuming, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1-Hit rate 53% absorption, every 5 second 173 mp consuming, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L3- Hit rate 69% absorption, every 5 second 374 mp consuming, circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Harp
Inflict Restraint status effect (cannot move?)
L1- Restraint 2 grade (probability 80% and 10.0 seconds)
L5- Restraint 6 grade (probability 80% and 10.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Weakening, restriction and abnormal status treatment (3 grade and effect 6Cool
L4- Weakening, restriction and abnormal status treatment (6 grade and effect 128)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Harp
Inflict Confused status effect (make the target attack surrounding target)
L1- Confused 3 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L4- Confused 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Note: Not sure how it really works if cast on players.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
Convert own HP to MP. (MP used for this skill is 0).
L1-MP 594 recovery
L3-MP 1204 recovery

Note: Can someone confirm this?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Magical
Use Weapon : Harp
Inflict absolute damage to MP of target, disregarding its defence strength.
L1-Absolute damage 163, absorption 100%
L12- Absolute damage 1394, absorption 100%

Note: Can anyone confirm this?

R5C2: Noise
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, preemptive attack prevention (lv 30)
L5- Continuous hour 900 second, preemptive attack prevention (lv 70)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Transfer scope distance 10.0m (transfer 3), MP 492 recovery
L7- Transfer scope distance 10.0m (transfer 3), MP 2340 recovery

Note: the MP recovered is shared among the targets. Anyone can confirm this?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Front scope radius 10.0m (target 4), with U him 3285 decreases
L6- Front scope radius 10.0m (target 4), with U him 10776 decreases

Note: Still can’t figure out what this “with U him” means.. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Magical
Use Weapon : Harp
Inflict absolute damage to MP of target, disregarding its defence strength.
L1- Absolute damage 1724, absorption 100%

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the range for dance skill.
L1- Range 5m increase
L3- Range 10m increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1-Resistance ratio 8 increase
L2- Resistance ratio 10 increase

Note: No idea what this does.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
Increase the physical damage of party members.
L1- Physical damage 10% increase, every 5 seconds 63 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L5- Physical damage 26% increase, every 5 seconds 374 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
L1- Magical damage 14% increase, every 5 seconds 109 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L4- Magical damage 26% increase, every 5 seconds 374 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
Increase the amount of HP healed.
L1- HP healing received 18% increase, every 5 seconds 173 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (the object 8 )
L3- HP healing received 26% increase, every 5 seconds 374 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (the object 8 )

Note: Can someone confirm this?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Harp
Decrease the MP consumption of party members.
L1- MP consumption 22% decrease, every 5 seconds 259 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (the object 8 )
L2- MP consumption 26% decrease, every 5 seconds 374 mp consuming and circumference scope radius 30.0m (the object 8 )



Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of harp magic
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+199%)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+199%)

R2C2: Healing
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-HP 146 recovery
L9-HP 2025 recovery

R2C2: Rebirth
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 152 recovery, MP 152 recovery and resurrection (lv 30, loss experience 5% rehabilitation)
HP 1128 recovery, MP 1128 recovery and resurrection (lv 70, loss experience 15% rehabilitation)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-Weakening, restricted and abnormal status treatment 2 grade,48 effect
L5- Weakening, restricted and abnormal status treatment 2 grade,128 effect

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magic
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+199%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-HP 2694 recovery

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magic
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 3233 recovery, MP 3233 recovery and resurrection (lv 80, loss experience 15% rehabilitation)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1- HP recovery 2% increase and status ailment decrease (effect 20), status ailment probability 50% decrease (1 grade)
L9- HP recovery 18% increase and status ailment decrease (effect 68 ), status ailment probability 50% decrease (6 grade)

R4C1: Over Healing
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Deal absolute damge to target, disregarding his defence.
L1-Absolute damage 623
L7-Aboslute damage2964

Note: This skill is potentially deadly to int char. The damage is surprisingly high.

R5C1: Group Healing
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Heal all party members in the specified area.
L1- HP 492 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )
L7- HP 2340 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )

R5C2: Healing Division
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 492 recovery and transfer scope distance 30.0m (target 2)
L7- HP 2340 recovery and transfer scope distance 30.0m (target 2)

R5C3: Healing Cycle
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 205 recovery and continuous hour 16 second
L6- HP 673 recovery and continuous hour 16 second

Note: Slow healing, but heals a lot of HP over 16 second.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 15 second, physical defensive strength 115 increase, magical defensive strength 183 increase and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L7- Continuous hour 15 second, physical defensive strength 505 increase, magical defensive strength 808 increase and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-HP 1643 recovery
L6-HP 5388 recovery

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 636 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 1), continuous hour 300 second
L4- HP 1256 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 1), continuous hour 300 second

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 2544 recovery and circumference scope radius 15.0m (target 8 )
L3- HP 5024 recovery and circumference scope radius 15.0m (target 8 )

R7C1: Group Rebirth
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 8 ), HP 763 recovery, MP 763 recovery and resurrection (lv 60, loss experience 10% rehabilitation)
L3- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 8 ), HP 1616 recovery, MP 1616 recovery and resurrection (lv 80, loss experience 15% rehabilitation)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 100% recovery, resurrection (lv 60, loss experience 10% rehabilitation) and continuous hour 120 second, physical and magical damage 45% absorption, maximum HP 45% increase, physics and magical attack 50% decrease, buff end causes HP, MP 20% decrease)
L3- HP 100% recovery, resurrection (lv 80, loss experience 15% rehabilitation) and continuous hour 120 second, physical and magical damage 55% absorption, maximum HP 55% increase, physics and magical attack 50% decrease, buff end causes HP, MP 30% decrease)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect will only apply when wearing light armor.
L1- Strength 1, intelligence 0, physical defensive strength 0, magical defensive strength 0 increase, weakening status decrease (effect 20) and weakening status probability 50% decrease (1 grade)
L9- Strength 8, intelligence 8, physical defensive strength 24, magical defensive strength 38 increase, weakening status decrease (effect 68 ) and weakening status probability 50% decrease (6 grade)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect will only apply when wearing light armor.
L1- Physical defensive strength 9 increase
L7- Physical defensive strength 44 increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect will only apply when wearing light armor.
L1- Magical defensive strength 25 increase
L6- Magical defensive strength 81 increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magic
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-magical attack power 275~336 (+967%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)
L6-magical attack power 582~711 (+967%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)

Note: I know this skill got side effect, but not sure what it is.(die straight away? Very long cool down time?). The MP cost is 0 and the damage is 967% !!

R10C1: Holy Word
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, weakening, restriction and status ailment decrease (effect 48 ) and weakening, restriction and status ailment probability 100% decrease (2 grade)
L5- Continuous hour 30 second, weakening, restriction and status ailment decrease (effect 128 ) and weakening, restriction and status ailment probability 100% decrease (6 grade)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Inflict restraint status (unable to move)
L1- Restraint 3 grade (probability 80%, continuous hour 10.0 second)
L4- Restraint 6 grade (probability 80%, continuous hour 10.0 second)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Raise strength of 4 targets but cannot be used on yourself.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, strength 4 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L8- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, strength 23 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: Not sure what does the 50% stands for. It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 50% of the strength increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Raised intelligent of 4 targets but cannot be used on yourself.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, intelligence 9 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L7- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, intelligence 25 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 50% of the intelligence increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, physical defensive strength 23 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L6- Continuous hour 1800 second, physical defensive strength 76 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 100% of the physical defence increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, magical defensive strength 57 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L4- Continuous hour 1800 second, magical defensive strength 113 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 100% of the magical defence increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, strength 27 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)


24.06.2007, 15:06

ist das sicher mit den 4 chars pro account ?
hab keine Lust einen zu löschen :D
und 2 acct is mist ! :floet:


24.06.2007, 15:12

Kann man auf 1 Account gleichzeitig Euro und Chin. Chars haben oder braucht man 1 neuen Account dafür?