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High Speed Mirror Download: Silkroad Online Legen IV
- Guide
1. Download Silkroad Online Legen IV Client
2. Unpack Silkroad Online Legen IV Client with WinRar if you downloaded from Mirror1 & Mirro2.
Otherwise skipt this Step & go on to Step 3.
3. Start SilkroadOnline_GlobalOfficial_v1_180.exe
4. Wait... Client Informations are loading
5. If this Window:doenst show up after 1~2 minutes
you need close SilkroadOnline_GlobalOfficial_v1_180.exe with Windows Task Manager:
6. Start SilkroadOnline_GlobalOfficial_v1_180.exe again & wait till the "Please Wait..." Window appears.
This may take a while, since you have allready started it once the Client should load much faster.
7. Install Silkroad Online Legen IV Client
- Preventing Bugs With Silkroad Online Legen IV
1. After the "Please Wait..." Window I get this Error:
1.1. Silkroad Online Legen IV Client will not work until Legend 4 Update in March.
2. I cant update my sro_client after I start the Silkroad Online Launcher.
2.1. Check your Windows Firewall & your Anti-Virus Program.
It is possible that bouth are blocking sro_client's connection to the Internet.
3. I have Wondows Vista but I cant run Silkroad Online.
3.1. Many utilities need to be run as administrator in order to function properly, especially older utilities that haven't been updated to support Vista yet. All shortcuts in Windows Vista have a special property that you can set that will allow the application to run as Administrator.To set this property, just right-click on sro_client's shortcut, and click the Advanced button on the Shortcut page to get to the Advanced Properties dialog.
You'll see a dialog with a checkbox for "Run as administrator".
From now on, the application will always run as administrator if you use the shortcut to launch it.
4. Everything is working fine but right after I am logged in to the game I get disconnected from the Server.
4.1. It is possible that there have been an Error while downloading or installing SilkroadOnline_GlobalOfficial_v1_180.exe.
The only workable solution whould be to re-download from an other Mirror or re-install Silkroad Online Legen IV.
- Special Thanks
Menkai- Mirror2
- Credits
Lilly_Moon- Mirror1 & Preventing Bugs With Silkroad Online Legen IV Client
HEast- Guide & Mirror3
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »-SJ-« (25.02.2009, 13:29)
LoL, kein Problem.Da wird beschrieben wie man einen nervigen fehler beseitigt.
Und aufm Gamona Forum sagt Samara selbst: "DL auf eigene gefahr"
ich glaube nicht das sie das nur zum spaß sagt, registrierte user könnens bei uns auf der HP downloaden und ein stammuser hat das bereits auch auf seinen root gepackt, DL links haben wir zu genüge (sie sind schnell und sicher) der guide ist aber nett.
Trotzdem entfern ich mal die DL links, wirklich nicht böse gemeint abe wir hhaben bereits sichere DL links.