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16.10.2006, 16:51

den hut hab ich mir gehackt. die ??? liegen an meiner gehackt silkroad version^^

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16.10.2006, 16:53


Original von KeKs


Original von Ghinrael
Also ich bin in game, aber jangan ist absolut leer, seht selbst:

bezeichnet mich jetzt nicht als hacker oder so, aber auf die server kommt man recht einfach... XD sind noch immer alle server unter check...oder stimmt wieder was mit der ip net in der host-datei??

LoL leute achtet doch mal auf den hintergrund, das hp/mp ohne beschriftung usw.. das ist die version ^^

last euch doch net so verarschen.. O.o...
Leute fragen mich immer "sag mal Bottest du¿?"

ich lache immer und sage "mhh, die richtige frage ist doch "wer bottet nicht!"

is mir egal ob Du bottest oder nicht, nur eine bitte habe ich schalte das Ks aus ><

[(*O.o*)]....*(O.o)*.... [(*O.o*)]



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16.10.2006, 16:55

Ja ne is klar, laber kein müll, ok?
Seamos realistas, exijamos la imposible:
Seien wir realistisch, versuchen wir das Unmögliche!


16.10.2006, 16:55

sparversion? 8)



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16.10.2006, 16:55 gemein.....die stellen den client wieder on....aber lassen uns net auf die server druf.......das sind böse menschen....die GM`s....trotzdem will ich einer werde...LooL XD XD



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16.10.2006, 16:56

OmG!!! naja ich geh ersma wow zocken..


16.10.2006, 16:56

Tach Zusammen!

Silkroad läuft also immer noch net....naja dann gibbet wenigstens noch mal ein 1- Tages Gold Ticket dazu auch net schlecht. :]


16.10.2006, 16:58

ändert im korea clienten die ip, dann kommt ihr auf die server^^ XD

[CENTER]logged out



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16.10.2006, 16:59

aha....und morgn kommt der weihnachtsmann....ach ja.....der osterhase grüßt euch.....wieso sollen die uns noch belohnen wenn wir(also die die das angestellt haben mitn gold) blödsinn machen



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16.10.2006, 17:01

naja ich werd dann mal bis 18 uhr wech gehen,.. vorher is es ja eh net bespiel bar ..

ich wünsch euch noch viel spaß bis denne mal und man schreibt /hört und liest sich^^

ps. wer den koreanischen link hat (nicht den europäischen) darf ihn mir gerne mal per igm senden, will die version nun entlich mal haben...

Leute fragen mich immer "sag mal Bottest du¿?"

ich lache immer und sage "mhh, die richtige frage ist doch "wer bottet nicht!"

is mir egal ob Du bottest oder nicht, nur eine bitte habe ich schalte das Ks aus ><

[(*O.o*)]....*(O.o)*.... [(*O.o*)]



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16.10.2006, 17:01

BTT !!!


16.10.2006, 17:02

immernoch nicht? omg.. war schon auf der bank, hab ne überweisung auf paypal getätigt und war ne std. mit meinem hund im wald spazieren O_O



"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."

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16.10.2006, 17:03


Original von
Here's all you need to know if you are interested in gold creation on SRO.

How many methods for gold duping exist in SRO: 2

How fast can you dupe: 500million / 1minute

How much was duped on Babel: 25+ billion

So far who got banned for this: Several accounts who were traded gold and had items bought by the gold.

Who is at risk: Anyone who touched the dirty gold.

How fast did GM's act on those carrying illegal gold: Within 12 hours.


Original von Chaud (einer der "Golddrucker")
why'd you guys do it

Tired of botters, tired of ccf, tired of jackass kids like Zicor.
Compensation event coming soon?

This just shows, when there is a problem, they have the abality to fix it....well at least try to fix it. After 2 inspects we duped 11bil more lol.

So we will see when servers come up. Fable left with a bang. Now botters can fight botters, last strong legit guild is gone.

TBH, bakemasters, suta, you should just quit, come play wow, or do soemthing else. There is no point in the game anymore. CCFed +9, botters abound. The GMs say they are working, nothing big ever done.


Original von Sutaseyu (SA Babel)

Yes, ingame gold is being duplicated. Three accounts were banned last night. Apparently these accounts were only banned for "holding" the gold, the actual duplications were done on other accounts, which I do believe were banned today.

I spent my entire day at this. I have an absolute migraine, Gargamel didn't get on msn till evening my time, because it was very early morning for gm's. While I was out to dinner this evening the server went down twice.

CHAUD gg for loading a noob and trading items. Man, sometimes u can be such a jerk. I told Gargamel straight off tonight about the bow - and exactly where it could be found. I gather you think you got one over on me. Well, I think all you have managed to do is show how destructive you can be to everyone on this forum.

I received a flurry of concerns from ppl whose pets had large amounts of gold, and whose shops sold all items, even the ones listed at 99 mill and said leave offers etc etc. Gargamel is absolutely aware that a lot of innocent people ended up being involved here. There was not a lot that he could tell me, except that they are working on it and are dedicated to fixing the problem.

I did ask if there would be rollbacks, or if ppl should return the gold they received in their monkey/shop, etc etc. All Gargamel could say at the moment was for ppl to just hang on. They need to decide what they want to do.

From what I understand, Fable began doing all of this today in response to some of it's members being banned. They said that they are angry that they got lifetime bans for gold duping while the bots and ccf'ers remain unharmed. However by the end of the day, they obviously decided to mess with the server a lot because this is causing a huge amount of concern and fear and frustration for players.

All I can ask is this. You guys are involving a lot of innocent people here. It no longer appears to be a vigilante that is doing it for the betterment of the server. All you are seeking to do now is harm people and that's just plain wrong. Stop.

It's not a game to hurt people, I don't care if you know them or not. These are real people, that play sro for a variety of reasons. Stop pretending that these people don't have real feelings and don't matter. I asked you to not hurt the innocent people and you are decidedly not doing that.

By the way CHAUD, the gm's are fixing your "glitch". Fortunately you always talk too much in all chat. So if anybody in your crew wants to know how it got fixed, it's because you were bragging in all chat to everyone in Hotan, and somebody reported the right thing at the right time. GG.

>> playing: DOTA 2



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16.10.2006, 17:04

Hier hab ich mal eine weitere Stellungnahme von einem Mitglied von Fable gefunden.
Schade eigentlich dass die Jungs und Mädels so abgetreten sind ... waren eigentlich immer nette Gesprächspartner.

BowKill wrote:

look. we were trying to find a way to show more could be done with the ccf'ing ("we" being Fable.) so we did a little test and figured out how to dupe gold (who knows, maybe they haven't fixed it yet.) Within the hour, Fable owned billions of gold. Infinite amounts, alright. check it out.

user posted image

that was the smallest fraction of the fortune. It's quite easy to do, and if the gm's haven't fixed it, I would be extremely entertained. PuRe, me (GlaiveKill/Bowkill), LEMMING, Chaud, and Hyori. obviously we had some fun with it. probably made some people happy with a lot of gold wink.gif. but anyways, we knew it was a matter of time. lo and behold, a while later one of characters got banned. we were expecting that. and the real ace-in-the-hole was the person that was CARRYING the gold got banned. the ones that did the technique were fine (at least at that point.) little later, same thing happened. another gold-carrying account was gone, but still none of the characters who actually duped the gold.... Chaud was carrying 500 million.... he didn't get banned til later (after he had moved the gold to and from the account multiple times). I did the same and eventually they caught on. So we all thought, "OBVIOUSLY they can track gold, so why are there still ccf'ers running around unbanned when they are obviously extremely worried about this particular case??"


maybe cause they dont care. or maybe they have a legitimate reason for letting ccf'ers stay in silkroad... But lemming and hyori along with chaud know of quite a few ccf'ers with LOADS of money on them, yet nothing happens (I wouldn't know who they are. i quit a while ago and am not up to date on who does what.) We talked to Sutaseyu about it and she too knows of many ccf'ers who have obscene amounts of gold... so why aren't they getting banned?? that's the question we wanted to raise to the gm's. they couldn't have made it more obvious that they can track who has a lot of gold, because whoever had it got banned. and yet there are still tons of ccf'ers running around unharmed (and yes, we used multiple accounts and split the fortune into small pieces. doesn't matter. they tracked it anyway.) from what we've seen, joymax CAN do something. they just REFUSE to...

so wtf??? why are these long-time ccfer's stil around?? joymax is lucky we didn't buy every dam thing in hotan. i mean think about it. everyone would have gold (and lots.) gold would be worth close to nothing. people might have to revert to a bartering system where items, not gold, are the currency of the game (although over the course of these two days, we pumped about an extra 4-5 billion gold into the server... gg)

so i would ask everyone here. take it upon yourself to ask the gm's when possible what the **** is goin on because it's plain they have the power and know-how to take care of business (meaning ccf'ers).

edit: btw. we got banned for "system abuse". whoops. our bad. so sorry you programmed the game like shit, cause this wasn't ccf. it's easily do-able ingame without any outside help. (we had planned on leavin anyway. thought'd it be a nice way to go out with a bang =D )

edit2: running around with infinite potions of typhoon is like a drug.... =D"

p.s. chaud, did this have anything to do with that screen shot the other day where you had picked up 10,000 coins 3 times in a row Wink rof about that now if thats the case.
Bei Problemen einfach eine PN an mich!!!


Original von Bertl
... Ab 40 hast du deine erste Periode...


Original von Illyriah
Kein Wunder das sehr junge Menschen ungewollt Eltern werden...


16.10.2006, 17:04

nein immer noch nicht ... dein hund freut sich , dreh noch ne runde 8)


16.10.2006, 17:04

12 stunden down oder wie jetzt?
hellas....was macht das spaß....
SOS: 7 | SOM: 0 | SOSun: 0



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16.10.2006, 17:05

mach das nochmal mit deinen hund....aber nimm nen längeren weg...oder guck fern wie ich das mache.....und dann geh ich schlafen....und wenn SRO noch imma net geht dann ruf ich meine freundin an und.....nun ja....privatsache....sollte mich aber 1-2std beschäftigen....


16.10.2006, 17:06

Wieso belohnen??? Es gibt Leute die Silkroad mit realem Geld unterstützen und an denen Sie verdienen! Ergo wird jedem der ein 4 Wochen Gold Time Ticket momentan benutzt auch eine entschädigung in Form eines 1- Tages Gold Ticket gewährt.

War schon immer so bei langen Down zeiten der Server



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16.10.2006, 17:12

ja und was is mit denen die keins benutzen( ich hab noch eins im storage, aber net aktiv)....was is mit dennen....die gehn leer aus....oder?




16.10.2006, 17:16

boah könnt mich ärgern das ich mein ticket heut nicht schon genutzt hab heut nacht :mauer: