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I gonna love the fuk out of you.

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03.02.2011, 17:43

SJ du Nase, antworte mir!


03.02.2011, 18:19

16 Uhr passt.

~ We are Fairy Tail ~


If light cannot escape me, what hope have you?

  • »-SJ-« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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03.02.2011, 20:24

SJ du Nase, antworte mir!

ok sören, ichs chaus mir heute noch an :)



Beiträge: 542

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03.02.2011, 20:40

ne gute runde kriegt man jetzt mehr ap durch deathcape stacken als durch archangel ?
gegen ende 1200 ap zusammen bekommen
»maddevil« hat folgende Datei angehängt:
  • lols.jpg (134,88 kB - 91 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 06.06.2024, 20:38)


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

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03.02.2011, 20:49

inzwischen kannst auch die aktuellen vom letzten WE angucken, mom...

Das dürfte das fast komplette Finale sein, fehlt nur was am Anfang. :3…rt_5_6__Finals_…and_Interview__


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

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03.02.2011, 20:51

Rapes sind also gute Runden hu?



Beiträge: 542

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03.02.2011, 21:21

das gute daran war das wir zu beginn 10 punkte im rückstand waren ich war der einzige mit positiven score


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

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03.02.2011, 21:29

Njo, wenn ich nen Nasus ohne legion sehe krieg ich trotzdem das heulen. :(


- Mitternacht -

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03.02.2011, 22:02

auch fail @ heimer. anstatt dem dritten archangle hätte er sich rabadons kaufen sollen, gibt viel mehr ap so
Du hast ein Ziel, wenn du einen Traum hast.


What the Factor?

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03.02.2011, 22:19

37 Kills? Ist sowas auf Level 30 normal? o.O


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

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03.02.2011, 22:20

Nö. Aber lvl30 ist nichts besonderes Tuna, da spielen immernoch mehr Idioten als gute Spieler.



Beiträge: 542

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03.02.2011, 22:41

ja kommt mal vor das einer soraka auf crit spielt just for fun, oder letztens erst meint einer er is besoffen, aber er kann noch spielen
naja reden wir nich drüber ^^

ich glaub ich test jetzt ma blc

edit: geil lol server + forum down

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »maddevil« (03.02.2011, 23:11)


~ köstlich ~

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03.02.2011, 23:20

wie wärs mit Freitag ungefähr 16 Uhr , da müsste die meisten Feierabend / Schule aus haben ...

Also wären bis jetzt dabei :

nee Freitag ist schlecht bei mir, da muss ich arbeiten, Sonntag wäre da schon besser. Ich denke, da haben auch mehr Leute Zeit.


A Lie is a Lie, no matter if you call it History

Beiträge: 1 684

Beruf: I Kill Noobs

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03.02.2011, 23:29

inzwischen kannst auch die aktuellen vom letzten WE angucken, mom...

Das dürfte das fast komplette Finale sein, fehlt nur was am Anfang. :3…rt_5_6__Finals_…and_Interview__

Pacman 3d ? 8|

Da fehlt nur noch das Gelbe Männchen das die Kirschen frisst...



Beiträge: 542

Wohnort: ludwigshafen

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04.02.2011, 00:26

bloodline champions erste runde hinter mir und naja nich mein fall iwelche majas oder medizinmänner ka what ever die sich bunte kugeln um die ohren werfen like dbz ehm na brauch ich nich

hon auch nochma ausgepackt aber bockt mich auch nich so hat son hero erwischt mit 2 passiven und der eine aktive war auch nich der brüller hab nur gefeedet :(


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

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04.02.2011, 06:38

@Owned-Dreams: Observersicht, kennste?

@ maddevil: wat? o.o


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

Wohnort: Stralsund

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04.02.2011, 06:51

Zitat von »"TheNado"«

The folks who are pointing out that they are very different games are right. People who come here from LoL, and expect to be able to play like they play in LoL, will get wrecked.

I'm going to go completely overkill and comment on pretty much every single line in that debate that op posted.
This is mostly for TerminaEst as I can comment on his discussion having played LoL.
Feel free to skip to the bottom where I quote clockworken for a fantastic TLDR

"it cancels out the huge strategic part of the game"
"nothing on LoL is available to you and you have to actually think about items to get vs what your opponents get"

Most of this "strategy" is done by the time you are done loading the game. Yes, before you are actually in game.
You have your runes already set up, everyone can pretty much the same runebooks when I was playing anyways, You also have a core item build. The first item you get will be this, the second item you get will be that. You will pick up some items to counter other folks, but you can pretty much know what you will need by the time you are finished loading. For example, if they have a lot of physical damage carries, you might want to pick up thorn mail.

It's pretty much a metagame,

And everyone knows about the strategy around using your skills right in this game, I don't feel its worth it to discuss BLC mechanics we are familiar with.

But, pretty much, the strategy in BLC is built around the actually fighting, where as in LoL it's built around the metagame. And yes, you do have to be halfway competent to last hit (Deal the killing blow to minions in order to get the money from killing them, in order to get your guy stronger) to be able to auto attack your opponents to death later in the game.

"and it's not easy when you got 1 person countering you when you counter 1, so you'll always be at an disadvantage vs that person"

And this is good how?
Speaking of hard counters. The ban draft mode weighs sooooo soooo much on who wins the game.
A good example would be that championship they did.
The North America team ran a team composition where they were looking to get Europe team in teamfights.
Where Europe wanted to stall for time, so one of their champions could teleport across the map, and break mission objectives.
The first game, North America had nothing to counter the teleporting champion, so Europe won very easily.
After that North America banned the teleporting champion during the ban/draft stage, and Europe failed to adapt.
(And we all thought it was time to stop watching when Kobe gave the other team that blue buff early in the game lololol.)
At top tier play it is the deciding factor in who wins. It's like a bad trading card game.
And by disadvantage, he means, you will die if you try to take on champion x with champion y.

"not to mention minions are annoying when you pvp, you could waste your skill because someone stands behind a minion"
He talks about being able to miss targets... he goes for "LoL is harder then BLC because you can miss players and hit minions?" How much has he played LoL?
He didn't mention about how minions will swap targets if a player is attacked near them? Or about trying to hold and zone a lane? I would have gone for that before talking about how you have to avoid clicking on minions and not other players. And don't even get me started on the smart cast mechanics, You don't even need to click on people to hit them will spells, just smart cast with your mouse near them.

I responded with: "You still have to think about and micro cooldowns timing and positioning"
Him: "LoL has all that as well, but moreso"
Me: "And because of the pace, mistakes are much much more punishing"
Him: "The pace and movement of LoL is the same"

Well, I do have to admit that positioning plays a pretty big part in LoL, and some of the champions over there do have fairly short cool downs, I suppose you can actually say it's "moreso" even.
The reason it's "moreso" is because when you remove alot of what makes BLC unique (No autoaim, skills with actual depth.) positioning is what you are left with. So Yes, it does play a larger role in LoL but its importance is present in both games.
I would say the pace in LoL may even be faster... once your carry is farmed up, they can click on a squishy champ and wipe them out in a couple seconds, especially if that other person is under leveled from not having killed enough minions/monsters in the jungle.
This is not a good thing.
It's pretty hard to screw up in LoL because of how the targeting works on many of the skills. It's harder to screw up and fire your ultimate in the wrong direction, and remove yourself from the fight altogether. But when you do.... man, its a long time to wait for some of those cooldowns to come back.

Also, I have to say mistakes in LoL are more punishing. If you mess up, and it causes you do die to the other team. They keep that money and xp they made the rest of the game.
Again, this is not a good thing either.

"like for example, in LoL, using a ninja named katarina. She has a skill called shunpo, using it, she can teleport a short distance to a friendly target, player or minion"
Man, it's a good thing he used a champ I'm familiar with as an example, they are putting out a new guy every other week or so now.
Anyways, Kat has a pretty unique mechanic in one of her skills in that it will modify two of her other skills. (Kinda like how our ex skills work, except its on a cooldown.) So she can throw a dagger, that will fly to its target, then bounce to other targets near her. Her jump also deals damage. Both of these can't be dodged, and Kat does not use mana. This makes her great at being a pain early in the game where your goal is to get farmed up and you are trying to save your own mana.
But what he didn't tell you is how her ultimate works.
The staple Kat move is to jump in on someone, and hit her ultimate. Then she sits there doing nothing while the ultimate finishes. While her ultimate is going, she deals a pile of damage to everyone around her.
Push e, click on other guy, push r wait. So you pretty much have to wait for a good time to jump in, hit your predetermined key combo, then wait. (She can be pulled out of it by some of the champs.)
(That and Kats not a ninja, she even has a pirate skin.)

"If you are fast enough and able enough to judge the situation, you can wipe 3 people camping a turret and get away with minimal hp loss; That kind of speed is like 10 fold the speed of BLC"
I suppose you could, the reason someone might be camping the turret is because if they were to come out, they would get stomped on by your now stronger auto attacks if you were say, better at getting those last hits in on the minions.
And you would need to be fed up. You see, killing folks gives you xp and gold. It's like when popeye eats his spinach and then very easily gives bluto a beatdown.

This 10 fold the speed of BLC thing is a gross exaggeration. As for the judgement call. Being able to tell if you can commit to a fight and win is an important skill in LoL, because when you die, the other team gets stronger. Here in BLC the winner is whoever played better, and their characters don't get stronger for winning the first round.

Speaking of ultimate skills, Karthas is a pretty cool guy, He pushes R and hits every other team member on the map regardless of where they are or what they are doing. I had him so farmed up once I could pull members of the other team to half hp before the team fight even began. (And Karthas is one of the harder champs to play, you have to actually aim his primary damage output, and he dies quick.(Only to have his passive keep him alive for another 8 seconds while he unloads hot death from the grave.))

"Of course, I haven't seen all the champs in BLC, but the probability is really low."
"Look at the game's style, it's like stiff"
"also it seems like you have many skills to rely on"

Can we please just say this speaks for itself just how wrong this is?
He has not even played the game enough to see all the bloodlines!
And you want to argue with him over if LoL is better then BLC?
And to many skills? Is it like, to hard for him? That's the exact opposite of what he was trying to communicate earlier right?

"In LoL, some champs have like 1 skill to rely on, and that skill will not dp much in pvp unless you really do use it right"
We can capture LoL style gameplay if we took a glutton, gave him an automatically targeting m1, that, when you click on someone, he will run up, and automatically start hitting the person (and don't forget chase, he will chase that guy to.) Now, we take always all his skills except his space, (This will automatically target the player you click on, and never miss.) and his Q (This can work pretty much the same) Actually, this kinda sounds like Master Yi but with Jax's ultimate (which is a passive, it kinda like how glutton gets stacks and attacks faster with his m1)

"In BLC, most classes have everything, you have healers and tanks doing the job of the other, although it's not to the same extent"
And that's part of the beauty of BLC. The differences between the "classes" in LoL is far more pronounced.

I also wanted to mention that LoL has always seemed to have an issue with balance. I'm not sure where the root cause of it is, but it's a good thing they have ban draft over there because when I was playing the same 4 champions were banned in EVERY single ranked game. And people would queue dodge if you picked one of the underpowered champions.

Also I never cared for ban draft, If someone picks a champion, the other team is disallowed that champion.

I can not play LoL having played BLC it's to much of a step in the wrong direction for me.

To get to the root question.
BLC is just not for everyone. I'm not sure where the skill ceiling is compared to LoL. In terms of learning, (wsad, aim with mouse, this skill does this, that skill does that, go) I think BLC might be easier to learn, but in terms of mastering.... BLC just has way more depth where it counts, seems like it makes mastering it that much more rewarding to players.

I also feel BLC requires knowing at least one bloodline well to fully appreciate.
Which also took longer for me then it would take in LoL.
In LoL i can look at a skill and tell myself, Ok, cast this every 8 seconds as soon as it comes up, every time it comes up.
You just can't do that here, so people coming from LoL might find the game deceptive.
Your friend should play BLC before he says another game is harder then it.

[qu=ote"Clockworken"]BLC is like Chess. LoLis like spider solitaire with one suit and a hint button.


I gonna love the fuk out of you.

Beiträge: 182

Wohnort: Stralsund

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04.02.2011, 07:02

Außerdem dies:



If light cannot escape me, what hope have you?

  • »-SJ-« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 6 608

Wohnort: Black Hole

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04.02.2011, 10:35

bloodline champions erste runde hinter mir und naja nich mein fall iwelche majas oder medizinmänner ka what ever die sich bunte kugeln um die ohren werfen like dbz ehm na brauch ich nich

hon auch nochma ausgepackt aber bockt mich auch nich so hat son hero erwischt mit 2 passiven und der eine aktive war auch nich der brüller hab nur gefeedet :(

jede wette es war sandwraith :3


A Lie is a Lie, no matter if you call it History

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04.02.2011, 11:52

Wollen wir für ihn hoffen das es ein unrated match war :D