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Zitat von »"alexie"«
ok for the patch:
1st you can try updating by launcher from the game self, (when that wont work go step 2.)
2nd dowload the manuel patch from a minor site below: (when this wont work go step 3)
original link:
self uploaded file for people that gained slow connection to china:…al_127_147_.rar
3th you have to remove ur installed silkroad files from ur computer, and reinstalll everything again.
first client 1.127 than the patch , like the 1st & 2nd option.
Orginal link:…icialv1.127.exe
Adding english.pk2 to the game.
currently we only have v1.139 english files, work on 1.147 to , but only the new items/changed arent been updated at the moment.
follow the guide how to add english to Csro:
Hope it helped a bit , if you still gain problems around, just let us know, maybe we can help.
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
I will change the World, even if that means that I must destroy it before.
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
I will change the World, even if that means that I must destroy it before.